Thursday, September 12, 2013

Integrated Maritime & Offshore software solutions

Norcomms offers complete solutions to all the processes of the Maritime industry whether it is shipowning functions, ship management functions, ship operations, ship accounting, ship broking, ship communications, ship chartering or ship weather routing. All the various modules are natively integrated in a robust database combined with the respective modules.
Even though the modules are tightly integrated, each of the modules can work perfectly in the stand-alone mode also.

Advantages of integrated systems
Being integrated, each of the modules in our system talk to each other internally, which reduces the need for paperwork.
The interface is also the same for all the users in the enterprise irrespective of their department. Access to the modules is controlled by the administrator, hence only the authorised person can access a particular module.

Integrated Shipmanagement Software

Marine Accounting and M.I.S.
Vessel Budgeting System
Payments Module
Freight Collection Software
Master's General Account
Planned Maintenance Software for ships
Dry-Docking Software
Voyage Estimation Software
Voyage Operations Software
Exchange Rates
Synchronisation Module
ISM Software
Safety and Audit Inspection
Drill Administrator
Stores Control System

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